HD Smoke

Welcome to High Definition Smoking!

Please order through this website, or if you wish, you can place your order via phone or email and we can process your credit card manually.
Please select what you wish to order. Then contact us and have your credit card handy.
Call us at 416-876-9431 or 1-855-437-6653
Email your order to Sales@hdsmoke.ca.
Fax your order 647-547-8176

HD Smoke™ is a leader in Electronic Cigarettes and Vaporizers. The HD VAPE™ and HD Smoke™ Electronic Cigarette are a revolutionary alternative to traditional tobacco smoking. You can now enjoy an authentic smoking experience without all the negative implications and effects associated with traditional tobacco products.
Looking for an alternative to your smoking habit?
HD Smoke™ is the smart alternative to smoked tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. The vapor or mist it produces provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke, while no tobacco, smoke, or combustion is actually involved in its use. With an HD Smoke™ product, you are no longer confined to smoking outdoors. Reclaim your freedom! Feel free to smoke indoors, in clubs, bars, restaurants, cafes, etc. We do ask our customers to be weary of municipal laws and exercise responsible social vaping.

Get Your HDSmoke™ Electronic Cigarette Today!
Click on one of the starter kits below:

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The HD Smoke™ Advantage:
At HD Smoke™ we stand behind all of our products and take pride in our personalized and attentive approach to customer service. With HD Smoke™ you will ALWAYS receive the following:

• Authentic vapor emission
• Superior quality construction, designed and assembled in the USA
• Unparalleled industry customer service

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